Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate/Frank - 1/48 - Hasegawa.

The model was built straight from the box with one of the kit supplied decal variants, a unit from the 22nd Flight Regiment.
This scheme was a simple IJA Green topsides and IJA Gray undersides, weathering the model with paint chipping,  first airbrushed a coat of Floquil Bright Silver. Then airbrushed Tamiya J.A. Green (XF-13) for the topside, and J.A. Gray (XF-14) for the undersides.
The anti-glare panel was airbrushed with Aeromaster Mitsubishi Cowl Blue /Black (#1087). The decals supplied with the kit are typical Hasegawa, relatively nice but unusable with most decal solvents (due to excessive wrinkling). Bob used Microscale Micro Set, and the decals responded beautifully with no permanent wrinkling and snuggled down well into the engraved detail without the need for any solvents. After drying overnight, he wiped the decals off with a moist cloth with Pollys Plastic Prep to remove any residue and after drying he shot a light coat of Future over the decals to seal them.
Next, a burnt umber oil wash was applied to the panel lines and after clean up a light coat of Polly S Flat Finish was shot to provide a surface for pastels. Then he used pastels, and pastel pencils to lightly highlight the panel lines and detail on the wings/tail surfaces and fuselage.  A very nice, subtle effect can be achieved with these pencils that is much easier for me than dry brushing or pre-shading.
Next he applied a heavy burnt umber oil wash to the wheels and sealed everything with a light coat of Polly S Flat Finish.
CONCLUSION: This is an excellent model of an important WW II aircraft. It is an extremely easy build suitable for first time modelers, and not a single drop of putty was used. Hasegawa is to be commended for this excellent model and the detail present is absolutely outstanding.

Modeller: Robert L. Laskodi (USA).


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